Using zlogin, login to the local zone:
# zlogin –z (zone)
As root edit the vfstab:
# vi /etc/vfstab
Find the line in vfstab for the /tmp filesystem:
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=512mb (this could be any value, 512 is example)
Change the value of size=512mb to the requested value (in MB):
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=2048mb
Save the vfstab and exit back to the global zone.
To make the changes take effect the zone must be stopped and booted:
# zoneadm –z (zone) halt
# zoneadm –z (zone) boot
Log back into local zone and confirm changes by reviewing df –h output:
# zlogin –z
# df –h|grep /tmp
swap 2.0G 0K 2.0G 0% /tmp