Monday, October 07, 2013

Perl and Isilon's REST API: Part 2 Creating Directory

In my last post you saw how I was able to do a directory listing on an Isilon cluster using the Isilon REST API.   In this posting I am providing an example of how you can create a directory on the Isilon cluster using the Isilon REST API.

The simple script below shows how I can create the directory schmaus8 (as an example) under the /ifs/data path on the cluster:
use REST::Client;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64;
use IO::Socket::SSL qw( SSL_VERIFY_NONE );
my $username = 'admin';
my $password = 'password$';
my $headers = {Accept => 'application/json', Authorization => 'Basic ' . encode_base64($username . ':' . $password), 'x-isi-ifs-target-type' => 'container'};
my $client = REST::Client->new();
$client->getUseragent()->ssl_opts( SSL_verify_mode => 0 );
print $client->responseContent(). "\n"; ;

The output if successful from the script above will be nothing:


This script could be altered to provide input for the path you need to have created.  You could also join the previous script I provided to first check and see if the directory exists before you try to create it.