Friday, May 06, 2022

Mirroring Operators into Red Hat Quay


When dealing with disconnected spoke clusters that are being deployed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management we have to be aware that any operators that we want to install into our disconnected spoke clusters also need to be mirrored into our local Red Hat Quay registry for them to be accessible by the spoke cluster. In this blog we will mirror down the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager operator image components because we need the agent images that normally would get started on a spoke cluster so the spoke cluster can properly join the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Manager hub and report in its metrics and status. Note this procedure could be modified to pull in any of the operators that are normally visible in OpenShift's OperatorHub.

Before we get started we need to ensure we have the following tools available to use:  grpcurl, opm and podman.   To install grpcurl we need to retrieve the proper release binary from the following github repository and extract it:

$ wget -q -O - "" | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin/ -xvz
[bschmaus@provisioning ~]$ which grpcurl

Next we need to pull the latest opm binary from the OpenShift mirror (in this case 4.10) and extract it:

$ curl | sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin/ -xvz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0 23.7M    0  135k    0     0   151k      0  0:02:40 --:--:--  0:02:40  151kopm
100 23.7M  100 23.7M    0     0  7685k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 7685k
$ which opm

And finally we can use dnf install podman to install podman if it is not already there:

$ sudo dnf install podman
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 1:32:12 ago on Fri 06 May 2022 11:22:36 AM CDT.
Package podman-1:3.4.2-9.module+el8.5.0+13852+150547f7.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
$ which podman

Now that we have our tools ready we can begin the process of mirroring the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management operator and its corresponding images.  The first step is to login to the source registry and the target registry.  In my case the source registry is and the target registry is my local Quay

$ podman login
Username: schmaustech
Login Succeeded!

$ podman login --tls-verify=false
Username: openshift
Login Succeeded!

Next lets determine the list of packages we want to include in our pruned index of operators.  We already know we just want Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management but this will provide the background context on how to get all the available operators in the event one would like to mirror more.  We first need to start a source image index pod so we can extract out the list by executing the following:

$ podman run -p50051:50051 -it
Sqlite-based catalogs and their related subcommands are deprecated. Support for
them will be removed in a future release. Please migrate your catalog workflows
to the new file-based catalog format. 
WARN[0000] unable to set termination log path            error="open /dev/termination-log: permission denied"
INFO[0000] Keeping server open for infinite seconds      database=/database/index.db port=50051
INFO[0000] serving registry                              database=/database/index.db port=50051

In another terminal window on the same host where the above podman command was run use grpcurl to extract out a list of operator packages and redirect it into packages.out file:

$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 api.Registry/ListPackages > packages.out

The packages.out file that was generate will contain a listing of all the different operators that could be potentially mirrored.    If we go ahead and grep out cluster from the packages.out file we can see a few of those listing.   The specific one we are interested in is at the top of the list: advanced-cluster-management.

$ grep cluster packages.out 
  "name": "advanced-cluster-management"
  "name": "cluster-kube-descheduler-operator"
  "name": "cluster-logging"
  "name": "clusterresourceoverride"
  "name": "odf-multicluster-orchestrator"
  "name": "odr-cluster-operator"

Now that we have the exact name of the operator as listed in the operator index from we can now use that along with opm to generate our own operator registry index for our Red Hat Quay registry.   To do this we will use the opm index prune command and specify the listing of packages we want.  The output will create a local index:

$ opm index prune --from-index "" --packages 'advanced-cluster-management' --tag
Sqlite-based catalogs and their related subcommands are deprecated. Support for
them will be removed in a future release. Please migrate your catalog workflows
to the new file-based catalog format. 
INFO[0000] pruning the index                             packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0000] Pulling previous image to get metadata  packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0000] running /usr/bin/podman pull  packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0022] running /usr/bin/podman pull  packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0024] Getting label data from previous image        packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0024] running podman inspect                        packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0024] running podman create                         packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0024] running podman cp                             packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0029] running podman rm                             packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0030] deleting packages                             pkg=3scale-operator
INFO[0030] packages: [3scale-operator]                   pkg=3scale-operator
INFO[0031] deleting packages                             pkg=amq-broker-rhel8
INFO[0031] packages: [amq-broker-rhel8]                  pkg=amq-broker-rhel8
INFO[0031] deleting packages                             pkg=amq-online
INFO[0031] packages: [amq-online]                        pkg=amq-online
INFO[0031] deleting packages                             pkg=amq-streams
INFO[0031] packages: [amq-streams]                       pkg=amq-streams
INFO[0031] deleting packages                             pkg=amq7-interconnect-operator
INFO[0031] packages: [amq7-interconnect-operator]        pkg=amq7-interconnect-operator
INFO[0031] deleting packages                             pkg=ansible-automation-platform-operator
INFO[0031] packages: [ansible-automation-platform-operator]  pkg=ansible-automation-platform-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=ansible-cloud-addons-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [ansible-cloud-addons-operator]     pkg=ansible-cloud-addons-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=apicast-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [apicast-operator]                  pkg=apicast-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=aws-efs-csi-driver-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [aws-efs-csi-driver-operator]       pkg=aws-efs-csi-driver-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=businessautomation-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [businessautomation-operator]       pkg=businessautomation-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=cincinnati-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [cincinnati-operator]               pkg=cincinnati-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=cluster-kube-descheduler-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [cluster-kube-descheduler-operator]  pkg=cluster-kube-descheduler-operator
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=cluster-logging
INFO[0032] packages: [cluster-logging]                   pkg=cluster-logging
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=clusterresourceoverride
INFO[0032] packages: [clusterresourceoverride]           pkg=clusterresourceoverride
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=codeready-workspaces
INFO[0032] packages: [codeready-workspaces]              pkg=codeready-workspaces
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=codeready-workspaces2
INFO[0032] packages: [codeready-workspaces2]             pkg=codeready-workspaces2
INFO[0032] deleting packages                             pkg=compliance-operator
INFO[0032] packages: [compliance-operator]               pkg=compliance-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=container-security-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [container-security-operator]       pkg=container-security-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=costmanagement-metrics-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [costmanagement-metrics-operator]   pkg=costmanagement-metrics-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=cryostat-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [cryostat-operator]                 pkg=cryostat-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=datagrid
INFO[0033] packages: [datagrid]                          pkg=datagrid
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=devworkspace-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [devworkspace-operator]             pkg=devworkspace-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=dpu-network-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [dpu-network-operator]              pkg=dpu-network-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=eap
INFO[0033] packages: [eap]                               pkg=eap
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=elasticsearch-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [elasticsearch-operator]            pkg=elasticsearch-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=external-dns-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [external-dns-operator]             pkg=external-dns-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=file-integrity-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [file-integrity-operator]           pkg=file-integrity-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=fuse-apicurito
INFO[0033] packages: [fuse-apicurito]                    pkg=fuse-apicurito
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=fuse-console
INFO[0033] packages: [fuse-console]                      pkg=fuse-console
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=fuse-online
INFO[0033] packages: [fuse-online]                       pkg=fuse-online
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=gatekeeper-operator-product
INFO[0033] packages: [gatekeeper-operator-product]       pkg=gatekeeper-operator-product
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=idp-mgmt-operator-product
INFO[0033] packages: [idp-mgmt-operator-product]         pkg=idp-mgmt-operator-product
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=integration-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [integration-operator]              pkg=integration-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=jaeger-product
INFO[0033] packages: [jaeger-product]                    pkg=jaeger-product
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=jws-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [jws-operator]                      pkg=jws-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=kiali-ossm
INFO[0033] packages: [kiali-ossm]                        pkg=kiali-ossm
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=klusterlet-product
INFO[0033] packages: [klusterlet-product]                pkg=klusterlet-product
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=kubernetes-nmstate-operator
INFO[0033] packages: [kubernetes-nmstate-operator]       pkg=kubernetes-nmstate-operator
INFO[0033] deleting packages                             pkg=kubevirt-hyperconverged
INFO[0033] packages: [kubevirt-hyperconverged]           pkg=kubevirt-hyperconverged
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=local-storage-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [local-storage-operator]            pkg=local-storage-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=loki-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [loki-operator]                     pkg=loki-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=mcg-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [mcg-operator]                      pkg=mcg-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=metallb-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [metallb-operator]                  pkg=metallb-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=mtc-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [mtc-operator]                      pkg=mtc-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=mtv-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [mtv-operator]                      pkg=mtv-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=nfd
INFO[0034] packages: [nfd]                               pkg=nfd
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=node-healthcheck-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [node-healthcheck-operator]         pkg=node-healthcheck-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=node-maintenance-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [node-maintenance-operator]         pkg=node-maintenance-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=numaresources-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [numaresources-operator]            pkg=numaresources-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=ocs-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [ocs-operator]                      pkg=ocs-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odf-csi-addons-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [odf-csi-addons-operator]           pkg=odf-csi-addons-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odf-lvm-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [odf-lvm-operator]                  pkg=odf-lvm-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odf-multicluster-orchestrator
INFO[0034] packages: [odf-multicluster-orchestrator]     pkg=odf-multicluster-orchestrator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odf-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [odf-operator]                      pkg=odf-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odr-cluster-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [odr-cluster-operator]              pkg=odr-cluster-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=odr-hub-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [odr-hub-operator]                  pkg=odr-hub-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=openshift-cert-manager-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [openshift-cert-manager-operator]   pkg=openshift-cert-manager-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=openshift-gitops-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [openshift-gitops-operator]         pkg=openshift-gitops-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=openshift-pipelines-operator-rh
INFO[0034] packages: [openshift-pipelines-operator-rh]   pkg=openshift-pipelines-operator-rh
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=openshift-secondary-scheduler-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [openshift-secondary-scheduler-operator]  pkg=openshift-secondary-scheduler-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=openshift-special-resource-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [openshift-special-resource-operator]  pkg=openshift-special-resource-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=opentelemetry-product
INFO[0034] packages: [opentelemetry-product]             pkg=opentelemetry-product
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=performance-addon-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [performance-addon-operator]        pkg=performance-addon-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=poison-pill-manager
INFO[0034] packages: [poison-pill-manager]               pkg=poison-pill-manager
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=ptp-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [ptp-operator]                      pkg=ptp-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=quay-bridge-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [quay-bridge-operator]              pkg=quay-bridge-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=quay-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [quay-operator]                     pkg=quay-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=red-hat-camel-k
INFO[0034] packages: [red-hat-camel-k]                   pkg=red-hat-camel-k
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=redhat-oadp-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [redhat-oadp-operator]              pkg=redhat-oadp-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=rh-service-binding-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [rh-service-binding-operator]       pkg=rh-service-binding-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=rhacs-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [rhacs-operator]                    pkg=rhacs-operator
INFO[0034] deleting packages                             pkg=rhpam-kogito-operator
INFO[0034] packages: [rhpam-kogito-operator]             pkg=rhpam-kogito-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=rhsso-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [rhsso-operator]                    pkg=rhsso-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=sandboxed-containers-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [sandboxed-containers-operator]     pkg=sandboxed-containers-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=serverless-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [serverless-operator]               pkg=serverless-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=service-registry-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [service-registry-operator]         pkg=service-registry-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=servicemeshoperator
INFO[0035] packages: [servicemeshoperator]               pkg=servicemeshoperator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=skupper-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [skupper-operator]                  pkg=skupper-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=sriov-network-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [sriov-network-operator]            pkg=sriov-network-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=submariner
INFO[0035] packages: [submariner]                        pkg=submariner
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=tang-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [tang-operator]                     pkg=tang-operator
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=vertical-pod-autoscaler
INFO[0035] packages: [vertical-pod-autoscaler]           pkg=vertical-pod-autoscaler
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=web-terminal
INFO[0035] packages: [web-terminal]                      pkg=web-terminal
INFO[0035] deleting packages                             pkg=windows-machine-config-operator
INFO[0035] packages: [windows-machine-config-operator]   pkg=windows-machine-config-operator
INFO[0035] Generating dockerfile                         packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0035] writing dockerfile: ./index.Dockerfile2850553610  packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0035] running podman build                          packages="[advanced-cluster-management]"
INFO[0035] [podman build --format docker -f ./index.Dockerfile2850553610 -t .]  packages="[advanced-cluster-management]" 

With the index created we can now push it up to our Red Hat Quay registry with the podman push command.  It should be noted that in this example we are pushing into the rhacm2 organization and that must exist before attempting the push.

$ podman push --tls-verify=false
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 0d6867937695 done  
Copying blob eeaf5a4136cb done  
Copying blob 9dc1e45bb9ee done  
Copying blob 457de0330aa6 done  
Copying blob 324075f0d95e done  
Copying blob 5b1fa8e3e100 done  
Copying config f6bfd86300 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Once we have pushed the index up we can then use the oc adm catalog mirror command to mirror the images:

$ oc adm catalog mirror -a /home/bschmaus/quay-merged-pull-secret.json --insecure

!!   Sqlite-based catalogs are deprecated. Support for them will be removed in a
!!   future release. Please migrate your catalog workflows to the new file-based
!!   catalog format.

src image has index label for database path: /database/index.db
using index path mapping: /database/index.db:/tmp/3687994887
wrote database to /tmp/3687994887
using database at: /tmp/3687994887/index.db
    blobs: sha256:b77bb434db5a2c43574630adfbe80aa3b36c179ccc20541ae91e2812a3ad9ce2 1.461KiB sha256:d8dcf8c7f6920565fec6db5c1479312aad177148dadd89e07f838cd7f44fa074 1.474KiB sha256:7d2d8330490119f01d1087adb98a324b3292f4711436cc4f64a8d9cb081fc345 1.479KiB
uploading: sha256:cf7ba91a4dc5dbc52d2fd9c09127be351a3d5292f1f2edf5171d2fe79f573850 18.93MiB
uploading: sha256:83b47d1b1652022425cbee522218c3758b8c59b052d5e845d5f8d897e31609a7 18.93MiB
mounted: sha256:2a99c93da16827d9a6254f86f495d2c72c62a916f9c398577577221d35d2c790 37.81MiB
mounted: sha256:d46336f50433ab27336fad8f9b251b2f68a66d376c902dfca23a6851acae502c 37.47MiB
mounted: sha256:0016483f9a1476d5d57b7a871ed4d3994ba802c643f53f6037d2b28f799f963f 35.94MiB
uploading: sha256:59f461f3c96d9c3b9d77d9de5fc4df45e4f6965264b2d047d7474d130ca8f9b4 18.93MiB
mounted: sha256:a9e23b64ace00a199db21d302292b434e9d3956d79319d958ecc19603d00c946 37.79MiB
uploading: sha256:30ee6976ea1e5387884dd0299fd122b76ec6e1d4fdad01d01302997f2d461edc 18.63MiB
uploading: sha256:c4e367c519079053c4297b06640529659c996e21823f2c580e533468b26a2de7 19.07MiB
info: Mirroring completed in 16m46.55s (44.49MB/s)
no digest mapping available for, skip writing to ImageContentSourcePolicy
wrote mirroring manifests to manifests-olm-index/redhat-operator-index-1651068403
deleted dir /tmp/2002258786

This concludes the demonstration of how to mirror specific operators down to ones own instance of Red Hat Quay.