Monday, December 29, 2014

Solaris LUN Online Report

If you are using fiber channel storage with Solaris in a multipath configuration, sometimes before fabric maintenance or array maintenance you might want to check and confirm the status of all the paths on the Solaris client.   The following script utilizing luxadm will report on the status of each path for a fiber channel device.

@luns = `/usr/sbin/luxadm probe | grep Logical | sed -e 's/.*\://g'|grep rdsk`;
foreach $lun (@luns) {
        $lun2 = $lun;
        $lun2 =~ s/\/dev\/rdsk\///g;
        print "Disk:$lun2\t";
        @luxadm = `/usr/sbin/luxadm display $lun`;
        $pathcount = 0;
        foreach $luxadm (@luxadm) {
                if ($luxadm =~ /State/) {
                        $luxadm =~ s/State//g;
                        $luxadm =~ s/^\s+//;
                        print "Path$pathcount:$luxadm\t";
        print "\n";

The output from the script will look something like the output below:

Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000526d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000527d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000301d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000300d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000278d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000277d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE
Disk:c6t60060E80054337000000433700000275d0s2    Path0:ONLINE    Path1:ONLINE    Path2:ONLINE    Path3:ONLINE