Saturday, April 16, 2011

Change /tmp size on Solaris 10 Zone

This blog describes the steps on how to change the tmp size on an existing Solaris 10 zone.

First log into global zone where local zone(s) reside using zlogin:

# zlogin –z (zone)
As root edit the /etc/vfstab:
# vi /etc/vfstab
Find the line in vfstab for the /tmp filesystem:
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=512mb (this could be any value, 512 is example)
Change the value of size=512mb to the requested value (in MB):
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=2048mb
Save the vfstab and exit back to the global zone.

To make the changes take effect the zone must be stopped and booted:

# zoneadm –z (zone) halt
# zoneadm –z (zone) boot
  Log back into local zone and confirm changes by reviewing df –h output:
# zlogin –z
# df –h|grep /tmp
swap                   2.0G     0K   2.0G     0%    /tmp