Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Netapp Interconnect Troubleshooting

In a Netapp metro cluster configuration there may sometimes be the need, for troubleshooting, to reset the cluster interconnect and/or see the status.  If the interconnect is experiencing issues it could prevent the filer from failing over.   The following command details provide some insight on how to view the interconnect and reset it.

filer> priv set diag
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp
         personnel only.

filer*> ic ?
        ic status
        ic stats performance
        ic stats error [ -v ]
        ic ood
        ic ood stats
        ic ood stats performance show [ -v ] [nv_vi_|vi_if_]
        ic ood status
        ic ood stats error show
        ic dumpq
        ic nvthruput [-bwmsrndkc:g:] [-c count]
        ic reset nic [0|1]
        ic reset link
        ic dump hw_stats
        ic ifthruput [chan]

filer*> ic status
        Link 0: up
        Link 1: up
        cfo_rv connection state :                       CONNECTED
        cfo_rv nic used :                               1
        cfo_rv2 connection state :                      CONNECTED
        cfo_rv2 nic used :                              1

To reset one of the interconnect links from the filer side:
filer*> ic reset nic 0