Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Configuring Persistent Bindings on Solaris 10

If you have tape devices attached to your Solaris 10 host and you often find that after a reboot of the host, the tape devices are no longer in the same order they were before, you can use the following Perl script to configure the /etc/devlink.tab file to make the tape devices persist.  Script is below:

# This script maps fiber attached tape drives to persistently                                       #
# bind to the same device across reboots.                                                                 #
# (C) 2011 Benjamin Schmaus                                                                                 #
use strict;
my $date = `date +%m%d%Y`;
$file = `/usr/bin/cp /etc/devlink.tab /etc/devlink.tab.$date`;
@file = `cat /etc/devlink.tab`;
@file = grep !/type=ddi_byte:tape/, @file;
open (FILE,">/etc/devlink.tab.new");
print FILE @file;
close (FILE);
@devices = `ls -l /dev/rmt/*cbn|awk {'print \$9 \$11'}`;
open (FILE,">>/etc/devlink.tab.new");
foreach $devices (@devices) {
                ($dev,$path) = split(/\.\.\/\.\./,$devices);
                $dev =~ s/cbn//g;
                $dev =~ s/\/dev\/rmt\///g;
                $path =~ s/:cbn//g;
                ($junk,$path) = split(/st\@/,$path);
                print FILE "type=ddi_byte:tape;addr=$path;\trmt/$dev\\M0\n";
close (FILE);
$file = `/usr/bin/mv /etc/devlink.tab.new /etc/devlink.tab`;      