Friday, August 01, 2008

Netbackup Schedules in 5.x or 6.x

Anyone who has managed Netbackup in a large environment knows how difficult it can be to schedule backup jobs. It is not the creation of the schedule that is the issue, but rather the allocation of resources and knowing when you should schedule a job to run. The issue becomes more cumbersome over time due to new policies being created and older jobs taking longer to run.

I personally faced this challenge myself and found that using the built-in function bpschedreq -predict or nbpemreq -predict was just not adequate. Not only was it cumbersome, I found that some of the time it did not even display jobs that I knew were going to run.

To resolve this issue, I wrote the nbpol script. This script when used will allow you to peer into a specific date and see what schedules will kick off and at what time. It also allows you to print out a histogram summarizing where your volume of jobs run. The syntax is as follows:

Usage: nbpol -y (year) -m (month) -d (day) -t (am|pm|all) (-graph)

Below is the actual perl code:

# nbpol: Script to determine which policies will run on a given day when policies #
#  are calendar based.        #
# written: Benjamin Schmaus         #
# date: 070108          #
use DateTime;
use Getopt::Long;
use CGI;
use Time::Local;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$first = "0";$last = "0";
$schd1 = "SCHED ";$schd2 = "SCHED";
$counter = "0";
$hour = "0";$minute = "0";$second = "0";
$arraycount = 0;
@gac = 0;
@policies = `/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bppllist -l`;
printf "%-30s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n","Policy","Schedule","Start Time","Duration";
printf "%-30s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n","------","--------","----------","--------";
foreach $policies (@policies) {
 $counter = 0;
 open DATA, "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpplsched $policies -l|";
 while () {
  $line = $_;
  if ($line =~ /$schd1/ && $first eq "0") { first(); }
  if ($line =~ /$schd2/ && $first eq "1") { checks(); }
 close DATA;
 for ($out = 0; $out < $counter; $out++) {
  $policies =~ s/\s*$//g;
  if ($schedcaldayoweek[$out] =~ /$datum/) {
   if ($windowl > 0) {
    if (($time eq "am") && ($starttime < 12)) {
     printf "%-30s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n",$policies,$schedule2,$starttime,$windowl;
     $gac[int($starttime)] = $gac[int($starttime)] + 1;
    } elsif (($time eq "pm") && ($starttime > 11.99)) {
     printf "%-30s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n",$policies,$schedule2,$starttime,$windowl;
     $gac[int($starttime)] = $gac[int($starttime)] + 1;
    } elsif ($time eq "all") {
     printf "%-30s %-20s %-15s %-15s\n",$policies,$schedule2,$starttime,$windowl;
     $gac[int($starttime)] = $gac[int($starttime)] + 1;
if ($graph = "1") {

sub graphit {
 print "\n\n";
 print "Hr\tNumber of Jobs\n";
 print "--\t---------------\n";
 for ($loop = 0; $loop < 24; $loop++) {
  print "$loop\t";
  for ($loop2 = 0; $loop2 < $gac[$loop]; $loop2++) {
   print "*";
  print "\n";

sub options {
 $help="";$year="" ;$month="";$day="";$time="";$graph="";
 GetOptions ('h|help'=>\$help,'y|year=s'=>\$year,'m|month=s'=>\$month,'d|day=s'=>\$day,'t|time=s'=>\$time,'graph'=>\$graph);
 if ($help) {
  print "Usage: nbpol -y  -m  -d  -t  [ -graph ]\n";
 if (($year eq "") || ($month eq "") || ($day eq "") || ($time eq "")) {
  print "Usage: nbpol -y  -m  -d  -t  [ -graph ]\n";

sub parseit {
 $field2 = ($dow*2);
 $field1 = ($dow*2)-1;
 @schedtmp = split(/[ \t]+/,$schedule[$out]);
 $schedule2 = $schedtmp[1];
 @schedwintmp = split(/[ \t]+/,$schedwin[$out]);
 $starttime = ($schedwintmp[$field1]/(60*60));
 $starttime =~ s/(^\d{1,}\.\d{2})(.*$)/$1/;
 $windowl = ($schedwintmp[$field2]/(60*60)); 
 $windowl =~s/(^\d{1,}\.\d{2})(.*$)/$1/;

sub datetime2 {
 $dt = DateTime->new(year=>$year, month=>$month,day=>$day,hour=>$hour,minute=>$minute,second=>$second,nanosecond=>00,time_zone=>'America/Chicago',);
 print "$dt\n";
 $dow = $dt->day_of_week;      ##### 1-7 (Monday is 1) - also dow, wday
 $wod = $dt->weekday_of_month();  ##### 1-5 weeks
 if ($dow eq "7") { $dow = "1"; } else { $dow = $dow +1; }
 $datum = "$dow,$wod";

sub first {
 $first = "1";
 $schedule[$counter] = "$line";

sub checks {
 if ($line =~ /SCHEDCALENDAR/) {
  $schedcalendar[$counter] = "SCHEDCALENDAR enabled";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDCALDAYOWEEK/) {
                $schedcaldayoweek[$counter] = "$line";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDWIN/) {
                $schedwin[$counter] = "$line";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDRES/) {
                $schedres[$counter] = "$line";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDPOOL/) {
                $schedpool[$counter] = "$line";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDRL/) {
                $schedrl[$counter] = "$line";
        if ($line =~ /SCHEDFOE/) {
                $schedfoe[$counter] = "$line";
  $first = "0";
  $counter = $counter+1;